QUICK!!! While the kids are sleeping…

I can’t believe it’s been so long since I posted! I have a plethora (nice use of S.A.T. vocab there) of blog posts swimming around in my head just waiting to jump out through my quick typing fingers but, alas, there has been too much going on to get them to paper (ah, I mean computer).  Everything that’s been going on is good, mostly the good weather hit and I’m outside all the time plus Peanut started walking 2 months ago (yep at 9 months old!) and I’ve been chasing after him non-stop (he’s a climber too).  Oh, and my fourth camera in five years bit the dust and I have no money to immediately replace it… sorry!  I hate posting without pictures but I’ll dredge up some good ones from the archives for you and use my husband’s phone for others (seriously, why don’t I have a better phone? Oh, ya, because I break all electronics and don’t want to spend the money on a media plan!)

Here's what's been slowing me down--and who can blame me would ya look at that face?

Here’s what’s been slowing me down–and who can blame me would ya look at that face?

Here’s a sneak peek of what is going on in my head and, if all goes well, what you can expect to see in the next few weeks on the blog! (I’ll even link them when I finally write them)

Embracing the term “Crunchy” though I’ll always prefer Earth Mama

Canning up a storm (and using all my jars before I even harvest from the garden): Beans

The garden glory and new pests come to aggravate me

Peanut’s first birthday (aka A Celebration of Peanut’s Survival in our Family for a Whole Year)

100 Days of Real Food: Challenge summary (cause I think I only remembered to blog through week three…)

Breastfeeding my toddler in public–Hooray for me!

Tandem nursing three… too bad I only have two boobs

and probably more and more garden…

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