About The Shoe

There was an old lady who lived in a shoe

She had so many children she didn’t know what to do!

I may not be old but there are many days that I feel like that old lady.  I am a mother to four beautiful and goofy children.  First came my son (henceforth called Punkin) in 2008, followed a few years later by my two little girls–twins! They have been named Twinkle Toes (for her tip-toeing ability both literally and figuratively–she’s a really good pick-pocket!) and Pinky (to understand that one you’d have to have watched Animaniacs–Pinky and the Brain… she’s much smarter than that Pinky but, well, there are many similarities!).   We started to feel a little laced in once they began to crawl and then this year, 2012, I was blessed with a fourth little one, my 11lb Peanut, and our little home definitely began to resemble a shoe.

Our life has been a whirlwind of excitement leading to many new discoveries and joys over the last five years.  I started blogging to let other mom’s know they weren’t alone with the ups and downs of motherhood, especially those with twins and/or a bunch of kids close together 🙂 and my blog is growing to include fun kid-crafts and activities, my desperate attempts to cook yummy “real” food for my family, my addiction to gardening, sustainable living and living closer to the earth as well as my passion for sharing information about breastfeeding and home-birthing.     Living in a shoe brings you closer together (whether you want to be or not, lol) and I strive to make our life together purposeful; full of love, light and joy.

Becoming a writer

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